“I wish my dick was that big!” - Thank you Steve!
Steve, if you are reading this, first of all thank you, thank you, thank you! I love your painting and am really flattered from your work!
I need your address or your email or a phone number I can reach you on, so if you are reading this please email me at [email protected] .
“After a whirlwind trip from Rome to Las Vegas to Los Angeles Francesco D’Macho finally came “home” to the Hot House offices today where he found the biggest piece of fan mail we’ve ever seen! Everyone gathered to watch Francesco tear through the layers of brown wrapping and packaging materials to reveal a larger-than-life-size painiting! A true work of art from the heart. The painting comes from the devoted Francesco fan and talented artist Steven Snake. The ever-charming Francesco blushed and beamed with excitement over his new masterpiece. I love it!exclaimed Francesco. I’m very flattered that Steven took the time to paint me. I wish my dick was that big!
From the hot house blog @ http://blog.hothouse.com
Real vs Surreal...
Friday, January 19, 2024